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Water Pollution Control Plant

Effluent Aeration Improvement Project

Owner: City of Fort Wayne

Location:  Fort Wayne, IN

Engineer: Arcadis – US

Status: Completed

Contract Amount: $3,827,916.02


Description: Ottenweller Contracting was awarded the contract to provide modifications and improvements to the existing East and West Contact Tanks. This includes installation of helical anchors, isolation gates, walkways, and railing. Additional installation of fine bubble diffused aeration equipment, piping, valves and appurtenances was required. We managed the construction of the new Contact Tank Building. In the Contact Tank Building, we installed the electrical equipment, blowers variable speed drives, controls, piping, valves, appurtenances, heating, ventilating and air conditioning. Electrical work including installation of new primary power transformer, switchgear, and motor.

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