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Bean Creek

Interceptor Erosion Mitigation

Owner: Citizens Energy Group

Location: Indianapolis, IN

Engineer: Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LLC.

Status: Completed

Contract Amount: $573,045.56


Description: Bean Creek has had a long history of issues with integrity of the sewer interceptor passing underneath the creek. With a large storm completely exposing the interceptor, as well as causing significant bank failure, Citizens Energy Group performed emergency repairs and began planning long-term improvements. Ottenweller Contracting was brought in and honored to provide most of these long-term improvements. These improvements included providing the long-term integrity of the 48” sanitary sewer interceptor passing under Bean Creek within the project reach. The existing unstable stream banks and channel bed were rehabilitated using a combination of streambank regrading, mechanical slope stabilization, improved vegetation, and stone armoring. Vegetated Mechanically Stabilized Earth (VMSE) bank restoration was accomplished in full. Minor additional work was required to incorporate the work into Garfield Park and promote safe usage of the facilities in the area.

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